Environmental Policy

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the efforts that Codethink is taking to remain environmentally conscious and invest in sustainability and wellbeing.

Codethink is situated in a Grade 2 listed redeveloped cotton manufacturers' warehouse, the design and fit out were completed in 2018.

Codethink Philosophy

Codethink is an ethical, independent, and versatile software services company, expert in the use of Open Source technologies for systems software engineering. We set ourselves high standards and work honestly in an effort to improve the practice of software engineering as a discipline. We have learned that this can only be achieved by sharing what we know, and absorbing what others can teach us.

  • We promise to tell the truth and to act ethically
  • We promise to answer when customers ask for help
  • We promise to do our best - and to fix our mistakes

This philosophy can be applied to all areas of our business. With specific regard to our Environmental Policy, Codethink recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment and providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees. We operate in compliance with relevant environmental legislation and strive for best practice in all that we do.

Codethink endeavours to :

  • Consider environmental concerns and impacts in decision making activities
  • Minimise waste and reduce, reuse, recycle as much as possible
  • Continually improve and reduce our environmental impact
  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.


  • We will continually reduce paper use in the office
  • We will seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper where possible
  • We will reuse and recycle all paper where possible.

Energy and Water

  • We will review energy and water suppliers and take into consideration the source
  • Energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account
  • We will seek to reduce the amount of energy used
  • Suppliers ethical policies will be taken into consideration

Office Supplies

  • We will purchase products which do the least damage to the environment and which have a positive impact on wider communities where practically and financially viable.
  • We will source locally where possible to reduce CO2 emissions associated with delivery.
  • We aim to support local independent businesses where possible in our purchasing
  • We aim to choose ethical suppliers
  • We will dispose of electrical items in accordance with regulations
  • General waste will be recycled wherever possible using only licensed and appropriate organisations


  • We will promote the use of travel alternatives such as video conferencing
  • We will make only trips which are deemed necessary for the development, extension and improvement of business
  • We will consider our carbon footprint and annually research offsetting schemes

Monitoring and improvement

  • We will review this policy annually
  • We will involve employees in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance
  • We will educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work
  • We will review this policy and related business issues in our monthly management meetings where appropriate

Get in touch to find out how Codethink can help you

connect@codethink.co.uk +44 161 660 9930