Linux Kernel & BSP

We help our clients to apply best-practice open source for commercial devices, and provide specialist Linux kernel and Board Support Package assistance to device manufacturers and platform providers. Our work includes kernel configuration and tuning, driver development, tools development, back/forward porting of changes and upstreaming, as well as BSP updates and long term production lifetime maintenance.

In addition to software engineering we provide strategic and technical Linux consultancy support services:

  • license compliance
  • branching strategy
  • forking vs upstream
  • mainline vs LTS
  • planning for vendor-specific BSP maintenance

Linux and BSP Examples

CIP Board @ Desk

Development of the B@D virtual machine, which integrates LAVA and KernelCI to allow Kernel hackers and maintainers to test any Linux Kernel on a board directly connected to a laptop.

Mainline Linux on Jetson

NVIDIA Tegra demonstration of mainline Linux kernel with fully open source software stack, including hardware-accelerated graphics, as viable alternative to vendor BSP.

Upstreaming R-Car H2

Forward porting of Renesas R-Car H2 BSP to Linux mainline, to facilitate cost-effective super-long-term support for an international automotive client.

Big-Endian Linux Enablement

Addition of support for Big Endian mode to mainline Linux BSP (Board Support Package) for NVIDIA Jetson, Marvell Armada XP, and ARM Cortex-A15 designs.

USB 3.0 Audio

Implementation of USB Audio Device 3.0 Linux kernel support for a leading audio IP vendor.

Upgrade Production to Mainline Linux

Planning and implementation of upgrade from legacy Vendor BSP to latest Mainline LTS, for a series of automotive clients targeting x86_64 and Aarch64 silicon. In each case our approach dramatically reduced the amount of maintenance effort required, and led to improved performance and reliability for the production systems.

Get in touch to find out how Codethink can help you +44 161 660 9930