Articles by Paul Albertella

Catch up on our trip to Vienna, Austria for Open Source Summit Europe 2024 (OSSEU).
Following the recent ELISA workshop in Lund, Codethink consultant Paul Albertella reflects on five years of contributing to the project.

Introducing the Deterministic Construction Service (DCS) design pattern

How Codethink are using STPA for risk analysis of software-intensive systems and integrating the outputs into the engineering process.

Applying functional safety practices to modern software-intensive systems requires a different approach to the established methods enshrined in current safety standards. Codethink have been working with Exida on a new approach to software safety for systems based on Linux.

Applying functional safety practices to software-intensive systems can be very challenging, and established approaches have struggled to scale and adapt to the problem. But what is meant by the assertion that "Safety is a system property, not a component property" and how should this shape our understanding of safety when applied to software?

As concerns about the privacy and security implications of contract tracing apps for COVID-19 show, establishing trust in software is still a real challenge. I’ve been following reports about these apps closely, and have been interested to read medical, technical and ethical analysis from around the world. What all of these perspectives underline for me is the critical role of public trust in the success or failure of such applications.
Author Index
- Adam Jones (1)
- Adam Roddick (1)
- Agustin Benito Bethencourt (4)
- Aiden Jeffrey (1)
- Ben Brewer (3)
- Ben Dooks (6)
- Ben Hutchings (1)
- Beth White (4)
- Bob Clough (1)
- Bob Mottram (1)
- Chris Doocey (2)
- Chris Phang (1)
- Claudio Cambra (6)
- Codethink (13)
- Colin Domoney (1)
- Daniel Silverstone (1)
- Danny Abukalam (1)
- Darius Makovsky (2)
- Dickon Hood (1)
- Eli Marston-Mooney (8)
- Ellis Barnwell (1)
- Javier Jardón (2)
- Jim MacArthur (2)
- John Ellis (1)
- Jonathan Maw (2)
- Jonathan Sambrook (1)
- Josh Smith (1)
- Joshua Zivkovic (1)
- Kaspar Mätas (3)
- Kejia Hu (1)
- Kiran Ostrolenk (3)
- Kyle Mckay (1)
- Laurence Urhegyi (9)
- Lawrence Hunter (5)
- LTM Team (1)
- Mark Simpson (1)
- Martín Abente Lahaye (4)
- Martin Blanchard (1)
- Michael Drake (6)
- Mir Faisal Ahmed (1)
- Nazar Kazakov (1)
- Neill Whillans (3)
- Nicole Mpofu (2)
- Owen Park (1)
- Paul Albertella (7)
- Paul Sherwood (7)
- Philip Martin (1)
- Richard Maw (2)
- Roan Richmond (1)
- Rob Kendrick (1)
- Robin J. Heywood (2)
- Sam Bishop (1)
- Sam Thursfield (12)
- Santiago Gil (2)
- Scott Clarke (1)
- Sham Zaman (1)
- Shaun Mooney (3)
- Sudip Mukherjee (1)
- Tanvir Roshid (1)
- Thomas Coldrick (1)
- Tim Pockney (13)
- Tom Coldrick (1)
- Tom Eccles (3)
- Tomaz Canabrava (1)
- Tristan Van Berkom (1)
- Valentin David (1)
- Vanessa Crispin (1)
- Wenqing Zong (1)
- Will Stonier (10)
- Yasmin Ferreras Greenwood (8)