Articles by Sam Thursfield

Did you know there’s a simple way to try the most cutting-edge GNOME software?

Outreachy is an organisation providing open source internships to people who are subject to systemic bias and underrepresentation. Find out about the project we helped to run: "Improve end-to-end testing for GNOME"

Codethink's latest FOSS contribution in automated hardware testing. This article will talk about our recent tool named Q.A.D. and its impact on end-user blackbox hardware testing.

Learn to achieve long-term maintainability in embedded software with practical open source tools and best practices for effective support.

As in years past, Codethink will again be at the FOSDEM conference! An official sponsor of the event, we are pleased that more than 30 Codethings will be present and participating.

PyPI is a popular platform for sharing Python libraries. This article offers tips for safe use, considering recent malware attacks on the platform.

YAML's data model can represent arbitrary data, so when an app parses a YAML document it might get back anything. It's up to the developer to check that the data is structured how the app expects and to control what happens when it isn't. Does it report an error to the user? Is the behaviour undefined? Does it crash?

Codethink continues to participate in the promising RISC-V ecosystem, and we have exciting news around Freedesktop SDK and GNOME.

High quality releases require high quality testing infrastructure. To show how deep OS and GUI testing can be done, let's look at the OpenQA instance we helped set up for GNOME.

When something as exciting as a completely open CPU architecture comes along, it's hard to stop Codethink's engineers from getting involved. We've set up an internal research project with the goal of learning about RISC-V, and we have some interesting results already.
Sam and Mike continue their post about the Teufel build process, talking about the implementation of a reliable caching mechanism.
Within companies producing devices, product progress continues to drive complexity and creates legacy challenges. Codethink senior engineers Sam Thursfield and Michael Drake explain how a recent embedded project for high end Home Entertainment demanded working with a complex Buildroot setup. This delivered major build time benefits, enabling rapid continuous integration.
Author Index
- Adam Jones (1)
- Adam Roddick (1)
- Agustin Benito Bethencourt (4)
- Aiden Jeffrey (1)
- Ben Brewer (3)
- Ben Dooks (6)
- Ben Hutchings (1)
- Beth White (4)
- Bob Clough (1)
- Bob Mottram (1)
- Chris Doocey (2)
- Chris Phang (1)
- Claudio Cambra (6)
- Codethink (13)
- Colin Domoney (1)
- Daniel Silverstone (1)
- Danny Abukalam (1)
- Darius Makovsky (2)
- Dickon Hood (1)
- Eli Marston-Mooney (8)
- Ellis Barnwell (1)
- Javier Jardón (2)
- Jim MacArthur (2)
- John Ellis (1)
- Jonathan Maw (2)
- Jonathan Sambrook (1)
- Josh Smith (1)
- Joshua Zivkovic (1)
- Kaspar Mätas (3)
- Kejia Hu (1)
- Kiran Ostrolenk (3)
- Kyle Mckay (1)
- Laurence Urhegyi (9)
- Lawrence Hunter (5)
- LTM Team (1)
- Mark Simpson (1)
- Martín Abente Lahaye (4)
- Martin Blanchard (1)
- Michael Drake (6)
- Mir Faisal Ahmed (1)
- Nazar Kazakov (1)
- Neill Whillans (3)
- Nicole Mpofu (2)
- Owen Park (1)
- Paul Albertella (7)
- Paul Sherwood (7)
- Philip Martin (1)
- Richard Maw (2)
- Roan Richmond (1)
- Rob Kendrick (1)
- Robin J. Heywood (2)
- Sam Bishop (1)
- Sam Thursfield (12)
- Santiago Gil (2)
- Scott Clarke (1)
- Sham Zaman (1)
- Shaun Mooney (3)
- Sudip Mukherjee (1)
- Tanvir Roshid (1)
- Thomas Coldrick (1)
- Tim Pockney (13)
- Tom Coldrick (1)
- Tom Eccles (3)
- Tomaz Canabrava (1)
- Tristan Van Berkom (1)
- Valentin David (1)
- Vanessa Crispin (1)
- Wenqing Zong (1)
- Will Stonier (9)
- Yasmin Ferreras Greenwood (8)