Articles with tag 'FOSDEM'

FOSDEM 2025 team photo

Read about our experience at FOSDEM 2025, including the Trustable Software Framework and our other talks from the open source community's biggest event.


As in years past, Codethink will again be at the FOSDEM conference! An official sponsor of the event, we are pleased that more than 30 Codethings will be present and participating.

LTM Conference

Laurence Urhegyi and James Thomas will be giving the talk "Automated and continuous system testing with Lava and OpenQA"

Safety Devroom Thumbnail

Codethink recently ran the Safety and Open Source devroom at FOSDEM 2021. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, this was entirely virtual. However, this did make the conference more accessible to those who would otherwise be unable to attend. 2021 was the first year that the safety devroom had been run, and hopefully, it will become a regular occurrence at FOSDEM in future years.

Safety Thumbnail

In this episode of 'Meet the Codethings', we've asked Shaun about FOSDEM, the future of safety-critical software in automotive, and STPA. Keep up-to-date with our news about safety by just subscribing to our Safety newsletter at the end of the article.

FOSDEM devroom Safety and Open Source Software Thumbnail

FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by the FOSS community for FOSS the community. This event aims to gather like-minded professionals to learn, teach, and broaden their knowledge and network. This is a fun and exciting weekend for the developers and our employees since they are hosting their first devroom this year.

2021 Open Source Events Thumbnail

Conferences and events are a valuable way to grow an open source project. They're a space for software engineers, team leaders, architects and open source enthusiasts to discuss ideas, share points of views, identify solutions and introduce new software developments.

FOSDEM Dev Room Safety and Open Source Software Thumbnail

FOSDEM is coming, 6th and 7th of February 2021! In addition to attending the virtual event, this time Codethink engineers will be curating the Safety and Open Source Software Dev Room.


FLOSS event offerings have exploded in the last few years. You can find everything from very elite, invitation-only pricey events to small, local meetings that are open to everybody...

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