Articles with tag 'GNOME OS'


In our last update, we shared how to improve the developer experience for building and testing software using system extensions with sysext-utils. This time, we want to share how to leverage that work to enhance end-to-end testing.


Continuing our collaboration with the GNOME Foundation, through the Sovereign Tech Fund (STF), we have been busy on multiple fronts since our last update.


Did you know there’s a simple way to try the most cutting-edge GNOME software?

Denver skyline

Outreachy is an organisation providing open source internships to people who are subject to systemic bias and underrepresentation. Find out about the project we helped to run: "Improve end-to-end testing for GNOME"

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GNOME OS and Atomic Upgrades on the PinePhone

Codethink is happy to sponsor GUADEC one year more

LTM Conference

Laurence Urhegyi and James Thomas will be giving the talk "Automated and continuous system testing with Lava and OpenQA"


We've ported GNOME OS to the PolarFire Icicle-Kit Devboard from Microchip.

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