Articles with tag 'STPA'

STPA Safety

How Codethink are using STPA for risk analysis of software-intensive systems and integrating the outputs into the engineering process.

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Applying functional safety practices to modern software-intensive systems requires a different approach to the established methods enshrined in current safety standards. Codethink have been working with Exida on a new approach to software safety for systems based on Linux.

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The recent furore around University of Minnesota’s “Hypocrite commits” research, which spilled over from the Linux Kernel Mailing List and into mainstream tech media, has provoked a lot of discussion about the Linux kernel community’s processes, and arguably provided ammunition to folks who have been saying all along that open source software cannot be trusted.

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Applying functional safety practices to software-intensive systems can be very challenging, and established approaches have struggled to scale and adapt to the problem. But what is meant by the assertion that "Safety is a system property, not a component property" and how should this shape our understanding of safety when applied to software?

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In this episode of 'Meet the Codethings', we've asked Shaun about FOSDEM, the future of safety-critical software in automotive, and STPA. Keep up-to-date with our news about safety by just subscribing to our Safety newsletter at the end of the article.

MIT building

I recently digitally attended the 2020 STAMP workshop, hosted by MIT. This was originally planned to be in Boston in March, but for obvious reasons was moved.


As a result of collaborative research with MIT, Codethink announces a new open source project AV-STPA, to analyse and document safety requirements for autonomous vehicles by applying System-Theoretic Process Analysis.

On our continuing journey to understand the implications of safety and security risk management for complex software-intensive systems, Codethink has …


Systems are becoming more complex than ever before. This now allows us to accomplish tasks that once seemed impossible. With this increase in complexity from systems, there is a need for safety models that can keep up.

STAMP (System-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes) is an accident and causality model based …

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