Articles with tag 'Safety System'

Safety Thumbnail

Applying functional safety practices to modern software-intensive systems requires a different approach to the established methods enshrined in current safety standards. Codethink have been working with Exida on a new approach to software safety for systems based on Linux.

Hypocrite Commits Thumbnail

The recent furore around University of Minnesota’s “Hypocrite commits” research, which spilled over from the Linux Kernel Mailing List and into mainstream tech media, has provoked a lot of discussion about the Linux kernel community’s processes, and arguably provided ammunition to folks who have been saying all along that open source software cannot be trusted.

Safety Thumbnail

Applying functional safety practices to software-intensive systems can be very challenging, and established approaches have struggled to scale and adapt to the problem. But what is meant by the assertion that "Safety is a system property, not a component property" and how should this shape our understanding of safety when applied to software?

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